Meet our founder

For as long as I can remember I always pictured myself running a health farm. A sanctuary where people come to get super healthy, experience amazing treatments and float out days later feeling good as new.

I was always uber sporty in my childhood and good nutrition was always an important part of that. We always had amazing house parties where mum would cook beautiful, healthy dishes and all our family and friends would come round full of smiles when tasting the amazing food. I guess that’s where my love for creating healthy, nutritious dishes for my friends (and later for my clients). Vibrant, dishes made with love and full of happiness! And that love for nutrition, health and movement eventually turned into Charnock Farm.

I started my journey with a Sports Rehabilitation degree from Salford University over 20 years ago, and from there I worked with professional footballers, rugby players, ironmen, swimmers and musicians. I had a wonderful time, travelling the world picking up many different techniques, cultures and lifestyles to add to my repertoire of knowledge, to help clients heal better and stronger than they were even before their injuries. It soon became very apparent to me that it wasn’t just treatments on the bed, or rehab in the gym, that determined how well a person recovered. I realised that what athletes were doing in between treatment sessions also counted. What they were eating, how they were sleeping, breathing, sitting, walking or driving, how much stress they had emotionally, physically or environmentally also needed to be considered.

Digestion, pain and inflammation levels, focus, motivation and performance are all factors that either influence or hinder recovery rates. It was then i understood the real meaning or holistic (whole body) wellness.

So, I decided to train in Naturopathic Nutrition at the prestigious CNM in London where I better learned the depths we must go to, to unpick the underlying route causes that determine a person’s pain limitations and discomfort, not only in regards to injuries but for people’s overall health. 

Personally, having always played and competed at high levels in many sports, I assumed I’d end up specialising in sports nutrition by the end of my course.

However, three years and two amazing babies later (although I’ve always continued to work with lots of athletes on a nutritional and physical level) I found myself gravitating towards helping clients with fertility. The health of mum and dad before conception to help make a healthier baby, started to come into focus. The fact that 20% of our toxic intake gets passed from parent to baby should not be ignored. 

I started with 2x cleanses a year with my close clients to bring down inflammation levels rapidly, during Covid this escalated quickly to one a month which I currently do locally to Manchester, Cheshire and Lancashire.

It has always been with the help of my mother and husband in the kitchen and doing deliveries, that has made this love I have to serve others even possible. We have endured plenty of all-nighters producing and packing whilst hubby was frantically trekking around the northwest delivering to our ever grateful and loyal clients. At one point we were producing 65+ organic salads every day out of a tiny flat in Manchester to local office workers and gyms. We catered to various functions of 70+ or more people for friend’s birthdays, launch parties on the side of lakes, all from a three-ring hob with one tiny blender and two massage tables for extra prepping space!  

I’m now lucky enough and so proud to organise our epic Gut & Brain Reset Retreats in La Manga Spain. Last year’s retreat went so swimmingly well, we are expanding them next year to cope the ever-growing interest people are now showing to understanding their own health. It’s all very exciting…

In amongst my learnings a matter very close to my heart has further deepened my thirst for brain health. My daughter Farleigh became very poorly at 2 years old, and developed seizures stopping her breathing function. Although I was already supporting families, children and babies with their nutrition, I have, and continue to develop my knowledge for brain and behavioural issues with both children and adults.

I’m in my element designing and creating organic juices, flavoured bone broths, raw cakes and superfood nootropic (brain enhancing) powders.

I combine functional testing, with past medical and genetic history. I then present symptoms, lifestyle, supplementation and nutrition advice to support people to move forward and improve holistically. 

I look forward to helping you with your wellness journey. Whether it’s through our fabulous range of superfoods and supplements or, as part of our cleanse sessions or retreats, your road to better health starts here!



Gut & Liver Reset collection